
Tuesday, August 8, 2017

CASology Week 261: SAFARI

Welcome to Week 261 at CASology!


Facebook allowed me to follow friends on a real safari earlier this year and just reinforced that giraffes are at the top of my list of animals to see in the wild one day. I knew I wanted to use my Poppystamps Giraffe Trio dies with SAFARI  as our cue word but it took a while to figure out what kind of card.


This Avery Elle So Happy sentiment jumped out as I was looking for inspiration and the card came together very quickly. Two giraffes were die cut from black cardstock and inlaid into the panel, the sentiment stamped and a bright red heart added.

The Design Team cards are terrific!

Jacquie Southas (you are here)

Geust Designer: Kevin B.!

We are looking forward to seeing how SAFARI inspires you -  just remember to keep it Clean & Simple! You have until Monday at noon (CMT) to link your card to the CASology blog. 

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. This is fantastic, Jacquie! I LOVE the way you used the dies to create a silhouette scene! Classic black, white and of my favorites!!! :)

  2. Love your take on the cue card, Jacquie! Your inlaid die cuts are fabulous and I love that you added the red fun!

  3. Love your fantastic giraffe die cuts. They are so striking, and the little red heart says it all.

  4. I love that you inlaid!!! Very crisp and clean!

  5. Just perfectly CAS Jacquie! I love it! Hugs Anna xo


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