
Tuesday, July 4, 2017

CASology Week 256: PIZZA

Welcome to Week 256 at CASology!

I have to admit the cue card this week was a bit of a challenge for me and I tossed around a few ideas (things that go together like ham & pineapple or using the green, white & red of the Italian flag) before I started looking at word play and puns using "pizza". 

Once I settled on "give pizza chance" (give peace a chance), it was easy to make a pizza from an inked circle die and cut into slices to make a pizza peace sign.

This week as you check out the Design Team cards you will notice a couple of changes. Hazel Hodgkins is stepping down from the team and Anna Uhras joining us - I know they'd both love to hear from you!

Jacquie Southas (you are here)

Guest Designer: Maja!

Sponsor:  SugarPea Designs!

We are looking forward to seeing how PIZZA inspires you -  just remember to keep it Clean & Simple! You have until Monday at noon (CMT) to link your card to the CASology blog. 

Thanks for stopping by,



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