
Tuesday, February 7, 2017

CASology Week 235: HERO

Welcome to Week 235 at CASology!

Did you think of a personal hero, a cartoon hero or a sandwich when you first saw this week's cue card? My card pays homage to a mix of the first two, my dear husband and his love of classic comic book heroes. Given that he answered "sandwich" once when asked what his favorite snack was, maybe I should figure a way to pull in the third option, too.

A primary color palette reinforced the comic book theme with the PTI Superhero stamp set providing both the silhouette image and sentiment.

For more terrific inspiration, check out the Design Team cards!

Jacquie Southas (you are here)

Guest Designer: Dena

Sponsor: Avery Elle

We are looking forward to seeing how HERO inspires you -  just remember to keep it Clean & Simple! You have until Monday at noon (CMT) to link your card to the CASology blog. 

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. You've nailed that comic book feel in this 'hero' card, Jacquie. I love that shadowy figure just waiting to step out in the light so we can see who he is! I chuckled a bit at your DH's answer, too. Mine would answer, "what do we have..." Great card! Bev

  2. Love this for our cue word. Love how your color scheme really echos your subject.

  3. Awesome take on the Cue Card, Jacquie! I love how you showcased the comic book theme and color palette...such a fun card!

  4. oh, I LOOOOOVE this Jacquie! Funny, we don't really have 'hero' sandwiches here. I should look them up to see what's in them. Intrigued! LOVE your blue 'white space' too!


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