
Tuesday, August 9, 2016

CASology Week 210: DIZZY

Welcome to Week 210 at CASology!

This week's inspiration word had me a little stumped until I looked out the window of my sister's 39th floor hotel room in San Francisco followed by a walk in the hilly city. Going uphill wasn't a problem, but more than one downhill block triggered a vertigo episode. Hmmm, I had a "heights definitely make me dizzy" lightbulb moment and had this card designed in my head well before I made it back home.

The Tim Holtz sentiment is stamped in green on the Impress Seattle Skyline border die before it is popped up on an aqua base. My dear husband and I had an unwritten agreement when the kids were younger: he took them anywhere heights were involved and I crawled with them through tight places like caves and submarines. It was dad that took our daughter up to the top of the Space Needle a couple of weeks before we moved from Seattle while our son decided the gift shop was much more interesting.

How does DIZZY inspire you? For more ideas, check out the fabulous Design Team cards.

Jacquie Southas (you are here)

Guest Designer: Amy!

Sponsor: Uniko Studio

We are looking forward to seeing how DIZZY inspires you -  just remember to keep it Clean & Simple! You have until Monday at noon (CMT) to link your card to the CASology blog. 

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Love this simple use of two die cuts!

  2. Love this simple use of two die cuts!

  3. Great card! That challenge has me a bit stumped!

  4. Of course (head smack!)!! Brilliant take!! So beautifully executed, Jacquie! My husband has a fear of heights also, so peering down from tall buildings, cable cars and suspension bridges is a no go zone!

  5. Awesome card Jacquie. Love the half circle behind the buildings.

  6. Jacquie, this is brilliant! Yes, I definitely feel dizzy when atop high buildings. (I also felt dizzy driving down Lombard Street in San Francisco when we were there last summer!) Great take on the tricky cue this week!

  7. Great idea and execution, Jacquie.


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