
Tuesday, May 3, 2016

CASology Week 196: MOVE

Welcome to Week 196 at the CASology Challenge!

I am really excited about our word this week because I get a chance to use a image that makes me laugh every time I see it!

Any resemblance between me and this lovely lady is purely in your imagination. My hair still has far more brown than gray in it!

Do you have trampoline parks in your neck of the internet? My daughter works at one and her dad and I are always threatening to go in and jump when she is working. Our fear of being taken away in a stretcher has stopped us from following through with it, but I do think I can still handle the bouncy ball for a few minutes.

I have only used a third of the stamp on my card. A little wash tape helped cover the areas that I didn't want inked and Copic markers were used to color the image.

MOVE really can be interpreted so many ways. Check out the fabulous Design Team cards for more ideas.

Jacquie Southas (you are here)

Guest Designer: Janet!

We are looking forward to seeing how MOVE inspires you -  just remember to keep it Clean & Simple! You have until Monday at noon (CMT) to link your card to the CASology blog and a chance to win a prize from this week's sponsor, Cindy B Designs.



  1. This made me laugh out loud!

  2. This made me laugh out loud!

  3. I can see our time at Bailey's next year may be a little different than in the past....BYOB....will now mean Bring Your Own Bouncy-ball. This is very cute! Love the white on white layers.

  4. I have one of those!!! What a chuckle you've given us today, Jacquie!!! LOve it...

  5. Love those AI ladies and this one is especially laugh worthy. The first thing I thought of when I saw the word was my ladies dancing.

  6. Oh, my, this is sooooooo super cute, Jacquie!!!! Had to LOL at this fun card!!!! Love the scalloped edges and the lovely CAS look!!!
    Have a great day!!!

  7. Oh...Em...Gee! I LOVE this stamp, and your coloring really showcases how fun it is! Love this card to pieces, Jacquie...thanks for making me smile...and laugh :)

  8. So, so much fun and movement!! This one made put a huge smile on my face. Love your humor and creativity with the challenge.

  9. Great 'moving' image, Jacquie! And I'm wondering how you got that image of me, lol! I have more white in my hair than brown these days, and don't think I'd even try a bouncy ball...well, maybe if I were alone, haha! Great card. Love the way this makes me smile! Have a good week. Bev

  10. Funny and fabulous card Jacquie!! You can't help but smile with this one.

  11. I've been laughing at this card for some time now. Love this image and all the ways that this ole gal is moving.

  12. Too sweet! I love the perfect coloring you did and your funny post made me laugh!!


  13. This is such a brilliant image, Jacquie! It gave me a good giggle when I saw it! :D

  14. This is hands down one of my favorite cards this week! Thanks for a good laugh!

  15. Bahahahaha!! Look at her face! Pure bliss!! Can't underestimate the fun one can have with those bouncy balls!

  16. This is just so sweet and made me smile when I imagined myself on that ball!
    Perfect image for the cue !


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