
Friday, May 4, 2012

I'm a sucker for letters & numbers

Is it wrong to enjoy a museum gift store as much as the museum itself?

The SFMOMA does it right - the gift store opens an hour before the museum giving me plenty of time to go from one end to the other at a nice leisurely pace. 

I love everything about this gift store - books, jewelry, wall art,  kitchen gadgets but most of all the stationery and office supplies. If I still worked in a corporate office I would be supplying my own post-it notes from the MOMA.

I am a real sucker for anything with letters & numbers, so this is my souvenir from the SFMOMA.

Yes, even the MOMA carries Washi tape - it is not just a scrapbooking fad, it's a Modern Art masterpiece!

Each lovely little container holds 5 different tapes - aren't they sweet!

I have to share one funny story from last weekend and then get on with some crafty stuff.

On his first trip to San Francisco, my dear son's biggest disappointment was discovering cable cars don't careen out of control down the hills and that you really are NOT allowed to hang your body out into the street while riding.

Notice anything special about this cable car?

Not the greatest photo, but the sign on the front reads "Training Car No Passengers".

Overhearing our debate on whether to wait for the next cable car or walk, the trainer offered us a free ( heehee - yes FREE) ride up the hill if we didn't mind the car stopping, rolling & restarting.

It was a fun ride and my son is green with envy. When a cable car stops part way up a hill, the driver has to control a roll back down to the nearest cross street (flat area) before he can continue up the hill again. The hills are steep and that roll backwards does leave you hanging on tight!

We stopped, rolled back, started up hill, stopped, rolled back and started back up hill a few times before reaching our destination.

I off to make Mother's Day cards . . . thanks for stopping by,


1 comment:

  1. You don't have enough tape? Really? But this is pretty cool tape!


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