
Tuesday, May 1, 2012

I left my heart in San Francisco . . . again

I am one lucky girl.
I am a little tired, and my feet are very, very, VERY sore, but I returned late last night from a 4 day weekend with three of my oldest & bestest friends in the beautiful city of San Francisco.

I've been there a few times and love, love, love that place - so much to do & see - I honestly can not wait to go back again.

We did lots together, and also had some time on our own. When I realized our Gourmet Walks Asian Street Food Tour would take me within a couple of blocks of Timeless Treasures, I knew I was going to finally make it into the store.

For anyone who loves letters, fonts, typesetting, stamps and general vintage goodies, Timeless Treasures is a shop you must put on your to do list if you ever make it to San Francisco. One girlfriend came along with me and picked up a vintage vase & candlestick holder while I poked my way through the drawers of little letters until I found what I wanted.

A project is brewing in my head and, of course, I will share it as things come together.

While I was at Timeless Treasures, another friend discovered Britex Fabrics Saturday afternoon.

Why did this store capture my attention? Could it be because the entire 4th floor is ribbon, trims & buttons?

Britex wasn't open on Sunday, but I managed to duck in for about 15 minutes before heading to the airport yesterday. While I had some trim & ribbon cut, I took a couple of terrible photos just to show the expanse of product.

The gentleman in the foreground is cutting my trim while I calculate how much time I have left to look at buttons.

These photos are of the same wall, looking left, then right from the cashier. There was a whole other wall behind me!!

It might be a very, very good thing I really only had a few minutes in this store!

I have a few crafty things to get done this week, so will be back to share.

Thanks for stopping by,


1 comment:

  1. If you did not buy two of everything, then I don't want to see you! {So happy you had fun!}


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