
Wednesday, April 27, 2022

Freshly Made Sketches #533

 Welcome to Freshly Made Sketches #533!

I had a few ideas swirling in my head for Jennifer Brum's fabulous sketch and put the brakes on them all after seeing Lisa Petrella's fun card for FMS532 last week. She used strips of patterned paper to create a panel and the strips reminded me of Jen's three vertical panels or strips.

A few ancient paper pads were pulled out, with the beach papers quickly making their way to the top of the pile. The first two strips are from Carta Bella's Beach Boardwalk line and the sunny stripe is from Pink Paislee's Solstice. 

A simple MFT Essential Sentiment is stamped in navy blue and popped up over the patterned panel. While flipping through embossing folders looking for a curved line I came across this panel. Since I don't recognized the pattern, I'm assuming it is something borrowed and run through the Big Shot while crafting with friends. 

I thought it was the perfect extra to finish off this design and keep it neutral enough to go into the masculine birthday pile.

I hope you check out the fabulous Clean Team designs at Freshly Made Sketches and play along with us this week!

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. This card is so fun Jacquie! I love the different patterned paper! The colours are fabulous and the blue just pops! Definitely perfect for the masculine pile of cards!

  2. Wonderful mix of patterns and texture! Great card!

  3. These patterns all work perfectly together! Such a wonderful take on the sketch!


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