
Sunday, February 19, 2017

Muse #203

This is one of those cards that came to me almost immediately after seeing Tracey's card for Muse #203. I pulled out the Lawn Fawn Chirpy Chirp Chirp stamp set for the Easter egg and paintbrush images and used MFT Abstract Art for the Distress ink paint splotches on the eggs. The paintbrush are colored with Copic markers and a PTI sentiment heat embossed on the black banner.

Tracey McNeely Muse #203

Even though I had a design idea immediately, this card took hours to make because my little paintbrush stamp went MIA in the office. Has this ever happened to you? I cleaned off my desk, swept the floor and went through the recycling and garbage piece by piece and it still didn't turn up. I checked myself in the full length mirror to see if the stamp had attached itself to my clothing. I retraced my steps and gave the pup a pat down and still no stamp. Finally I walked away from the office in frustration. When I returned, I carefully tried to retrace my steps from earlier and found that little sucker attached to the storage envelope for my wonky stitched rectangle dies. One day I will learn not to leave tiny stamps sitting out.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. This is great Jacquie ! What a beautiful take on the Muse card and so fun ! Love these easter eggs with these splashes of paint ! I understand very well your story about your little stamp, I often have the same problem ( a too messy desk for me ! ) Thanks for sharing and for inspiring.
    Izzy Scrap

  2. Great cards, and I think we all can relate to your "loss" of a stamp! I know I've done exactly the same thing! Again, great cards in spite of the mishap!

  3. So fun! I love the splats on the eggs! SO glad you joined us at Muse this week, Jacquie!

  4. Jacquie I LOVE this. All those sweet egg with the colourful yolks. Brilliant! Thank you so much for sharing with us at Muse this week!

  5. Good luck with not leaving tiny stamps out! :) Same thing happens to me all the time and I never learn. Funny how you looked at your own clothing to see if it stuck to you. I've gotten letters stuck to me plenty too. LOL. Fabulous fun card Jacquie!

  6. I love the painted Easter egg idea, Jacquie. I totally get the missing stamp thing. They stick to anything and get transferred to places they shouldn't be.


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