
Saturday, October 20, 2012

MFTWSC 94 Cheers to You

I have a funny story to share about this card, but first I'll get to the details. Once again I started with the MFTWSC sketch at Splitcoast Stampers.

Here is my finished card:

I inked a sentiment from the My Favorite Things Let's Toast stamp set with Brilliance Coffee Bean. A number of different dies were used - some Spellbinders Nestabilites (sentiment label, rectangles and circles) and some MFT (mini-label and champagne glass).

The designer papers are all from the Authentique Thankful collection.

I started putting a couple of pearls in the top right corner of the card based on the sketch, but then wondered how a few would look in the glass. I might have been a little carried away, but am really loving the final look of pearl bubbles escaping from the champagne.

Now to the funny story - I was so silly, happy with this card I showed it to my dear husband this morning. He looked at it, started to turn it this way and that, really looked closely at the pearls and finally said incredulously "it looks great, but how the heck did you cut the pearls in half?" {haha}

Those that know me in real life might remember a story from a few years back when dear husband asked to borrow my scalpel. 

"Scalpel? I don't have a scalpel?" I said confused. 
"You were using it the other night" he said, describing what I'd done with it.
 "Do you mean my exacto knife?" 

After that conversation I introduced myself as a paper surgeon for a while.

Hope you are having a great weekend - we've gone from an unseasonable 99 F on Wednesday down to 66 & drizzling rain for soccer today.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. I am roaring! Matt asked the same thing the first time I used those pearls! Only a man would think you had to cut them in half! LOL The card is great...and I am sure you used your tiny scalpel to cut the pearls....brahahaaa!

  2. Lol, about what your husband thought! Too cute! The champaign bubbles are the best part of this gorgeous card! Thanks for the congrats!


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