
Wednesday, July 11, 2012

Make It Monday #74 Stamping on Texture

This week, the Make It Monday challenge at Papertrey Ink is to Stamp on Texture. The texture is first created with an Impression Plate, then stamped, so only the raised portion receives the ink.

The video here from Heather Nichols demonstrates the technique beautifully. I love all the Impression Plates Heather used, but only had a few at home to play with. I almost didn't try my birds and swirls plate because the embossed image is so thin, but, wouldn't you know it, this is my favorite.

I inked the debossed side first, thinking that more inking surface would give a better finished product, but really, really liked this side best.

The embossed panel was stamped with one of the PTI Background Basics: Text Style II stamps. I really like the "message" in the text, so masked off and stamped "teach us delight in the simple things" on a scrap of paper to create a little banner to pop up on the sentiment panel.

The sentiment is from PTI's Mega Mixed Messages stamp set, and the panel was die cut using one of the Half & Half dies.

I wrestled with the braided trim I wanted to use on the card. I was VERY determined that it would work, but it is pretty bulky. The button is also PTI and the red hemp is from my stash.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Jacquie, your stamping is gorgeous! You're a pro. Loved your card.

  2. Me, too, Jacquie, I like that side best. Wonderful take on the challenge!

  3. I like this side, too. Love the colors and the little half and half (?) sentiment frame at the bottom.

  4. Beautiful card. Great take on the challenge. I agree with the side you chose to stamp on. Great choce with the braid.

  5. Gorgeous card, Jacquie! Love all the dimension and embellishments ~ everything works beautifully :)

  6. Wow! Love the stamping on the embossing! It turned out nicely and I think I am going to give it a try! TFS!

  7. I love this technique,Jacquie! Your application of it is striking with the red on white.

    Thank you so much for visiting my blog and commenting on my card. I did get the World Map Embossing Folder you inquired about at CropStop. Unfortunately it is sold out. I emailed CropStop's owner to see if maybe they might have some available that weren't on the website, but she said they sold out quickly. They do tend to stock some very original embossing folders that are limited edition.

    Thank you again,
    Katie Nolan-Denham
    Scissors, Spatulas,and Sneakers

  8. ooohhh!! I love how this turned out!! :) yippee a new texture idea for me to try. thanks Jacquie.

  9. This is so very pretty. I love how the pattern is so delicate, and yet you can see the text stamping so clearly. I must admit to living closer to Gee Gee's, but preferring to shop Paper Tales, which is 5 minutes from my daughters' school.

  10. This is so pretty. The red really catches your eye.

  11. Ok, this is so cool I can't stand it! That is one of my fav folders, too. I have a bazillion of the things, but tend to use a few of my favs over and over. I now see how to give them new life!!!!!

  12. Jacquie, this is very pretty, that impression plate worked beautifully for you!

  13. Beautiful. The colors on this are great and what a wonderful sentiment - one I should take to heart more often. Thanks for visiting my blog this week and leaving a sweet comment. Have a great day.

  14. Very pretty Jacquie. Love the textured background. The red looks great!


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