
Sunday, July 1, 2012

Make It Monday #72 Step It Up - Embellishments

First of all - HAPPY CANADA DAY!!!!

Now, back to our regularly scheduled program  . . . I wasn't sure I was going to squeeze in a post today, but have a few minutes while the rest of the family cleans the kitchen. Don't feel too sorry for them - I've already loaded the dishwasher, put away the leftovers and soaked the really dirty stuff in hot soapy water, so their final cleanup is pretty easy.

I am inspired by a few things today:  the Make It Monday #72 Step It Up video from Dawn McVey at Papertrey Ink and challenge to include handmade embellishments, the Frosted Designs Fabulous Friday Challenge to use circles in a project and a friend of mine that was making flowers with a circle punch on her blog this week.

Here are the cards I came up with all using a circle punch and scrap paper to make flowers.

The first is super simple:

And then slightly more involved:

And finally:

All the sentiments are from the PTI Mega Mixed Messages stamp set and the ribbons are from my stash.

The flowers on this last card are super simple to make. Poke through your scrap paper to find papers of a similar color palette. For these flowers, you really do need to use paper that is printed on both sides. I know some of these scraps are from the Echo Park Victoria Gardens paper pad and at least one is from an Authentique pad.

Gather a couple of circle punches, glue dots and brads.

You will need four punched circles for each flower and these photos show how quick they are to produce.

Once you have the four circles layered together, pinch the top layer into tthe center and expose the colors and layers below. A brad, pearl or gem in the center finishes it off and covers the hole.

You can alternate the papers or alternate which side is facing up, like I did on this flower.

The flowers are then attached to your card front to create a little bouquet.

So, let me know how I did with the challenges.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Jacquie, your cards are amazing. Thanks so much for the tutorial. I am going to have to make some of these.

  2. Great cards!!! Love your tutorial too!! Thanks for joining us this week at Frosted Designs!!

  3. Love the variation of cards you made. This is such a great way to use up lots of little scraps of paper...thanks for the flower tutorial, too!!

  4. All three of your cards are really super. You did great with the challenges. I really like the last one, and thanks for the tutorial. I've got quite a bit of patterned paper (ha ha), and am determined to start to use it. I'm going to make some of these flowers.

  5. Happy Canada Day to you as well :) This is my first visit to your blog and I absolutely am smitten with your work. I am now a follower :)

    This is circle/flower thing is just waaaaay beyond clever! Thanks for sharing it with us. Love the fun simplicity of your cards.

    Looking forward to many future visits to your site cuz your work is fabulous!

  6. Happy Canada Day to you, just a bit late. Fabulous cards, all three. Very clever flowers you made, so much wonderful detail.

  7. Great flowers -thesE are a new twist! lol... great CAS cards

  8. Jacquie these are wonderful!!! I love the simple elegance of all the cards. And I adore using the circle punch to make them. The tutorial is wonderful! What a fun flower! I am going to try it! :)
    Thanks for the awesome inspiration!

  9. are the QUEEN to tutorials. I bow to you. Love the last card! I never have been able to get that technique to work. I am in awe!


It makes my day when you take time to comment - thank you!