
Monday, April 16, 2012

being strong

I love the four quotes in the Vertical Greeting Die-namic set from My Favorite Things and used one this week for the MFTWSC sketch challenge at Splitcoast Stampers.

This is the sketch.

A member of our extended family had a very scary medical episode that resulted in a hospitalization about eight hours from home. I really like the "strong" quote and feel it describes the way many members of the family stepped up and dealt with the situation: with strength and grace.

I  wanted a more masculine feel for the card, so used the fishtail flag die instead of the die that comes with the stamp set.

In other news, I am discovering how hard it is to mix my paints to perfectly match the color wheel. I have no problem creating a tremendous variety of shades of the color I want, but not the exact color!

I still don't have a blue, red or green that are exactly right {sigh}. Could I be comparing my swatches to a defective color wheel?!?

This is what the kitchen island looked like when I walked away from the project this afternoon.

For the record, I think dear daughter took a little too much pleasure watching me struggle with my homework.

Tomorrow is a new day & I have a plan of attack - if you hear screams of frustration midmorning you will know I will be looking for a Plan C.

Thanks for stopping,



  1. I see red. I see blue. Done! Move on! Are you trying for an A+ and teacher's pet???!!! hee hee

  2. Whoa! this is quite the class you're taking. Quite impressive with all the color you're creating!
    Love the card Jacquie,I especially like the saying.


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