
Thursday, March 29, 2012

you can't win if you don't play

And, no, I'm not talking about the MegaMillions jackpot that is sitting at half a hundred kachillion dollars right now. Dear husband was thinking about buying a ticket or two today, but the line was too deep so he left the store. Should I send him back?

The lottery would be just icing on the cake for me, because I have already won something this week. Did you see the big grin on my face yesterday when I went to check out the sketch for this week's MFTWSC at Splitcoast Stampers and saw this

The winner of last week's challenge is Jacquie J! You can see her fabulous entry HERE!

I go by Jacquie J at SCS because Jacquie was already taken when I registered and I had to quickly come up with an alternate. Let's be honest - it had to be something I'd remember and, unlike my children who never use their real names in their online identities and have a couple of great, creative aliases, I usually stick to a variation of my name. In real life no one ever calls me "Jacquie J", but there might have been a stern "Jacqueline Jean" directed at me once or twice in the very, very, very distant past.

Take a look at my last post to see both the MFTWSC sketch and my interpretation that was the prize winner from last week. You truly just have to play along to have a chance to win, as the winner is selected randomly.

The best thing about winning is the generous prize - a $20 gift voucher at My Favorite Things - for some of us that really is better than winning the lottery {grin}.

Thank you My Favorite Things for the weekly chance to win!

I'll be back to show off what I have been doing in my art class and the card under construction for this week's challenge.

Thanks for stopping by,



  1. Why did you not brag?! This is awesome!

  2. Jacquie,

    I love the card, girlfriend! Congrats,too! You are SOOOOO talented, woohoo!


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