
Thursday, March 8, 2012

When last we met . . .

Seriously? Almost 3 weeks between posts is not a great start to this blogging thing.

When last we met, I was taking advantage of an unexpected day off to create a little gag gift for a friend's 40th birthday.

Over the years I have seen some great ideas for the big "decade" birthdays - one of my favorites was seeing someone compile a selection of 40 tulip bulbs and plant them. Unfortunately tulips don't love our warm winters here in Southern California. I've also seen a friend painstakingly collect 40 different, unique and hard to find beers over many months and present them to a very happy & appreciative birthday boy in a cooler. This birthday girl might have been very appreciative of a collection of 40 wines, but my budget didn't go there.

The idea I came up with was to create a file folder of an "Anthropological Study" started in 1972 listing the cultural and social influences of that year and the impact they might have on a newborn.

I cut down a regular file folder to a smaller size using a little of my 10,000 foot stash of gaffer tape to bind and create a new folder. I also loved having an opportunity to use many of my favorite stamps - especially the always fun 7 Gypsies Disclaimer Stamp Set.

As usual with any last minute project, all the great ideas started coming in when it was too late to do anything about them, like add a baby photo. I did make a section so the recipients could add photos and some personal family information (did I mention my friend is a twin? of course I had to make a folder for her sister too).

The file included favorite foods complied from popular Women's magazines of the day (pineapple was a big ingredient in 1972), TV shows, movies and interesting tidbits such as what companies were also "born" that year (Fedex and HBO were on that list).

In the end, I was happy with the project and will keep it in mind for future big birthdays. Hmm, a little sister is turning 50 this year . . .

until we meet again,


1 comment:

  1. You are so creative! You have 3 years to work on my project for my 50th....better get started!


It makes my day when you take time to comment - thank you!