
Saturday, March 10, 2012

having fun with à la modes

When we moved to California 5 years ago I was feeling a little lonely and lost once we were settled into school and our new routine. With the kids being past the age where mom tags along on a playdate, it was tough to meet people.

I decided to pull myself outside my comfort zone and try a challenge/book group at a local scrapbook store - when I came home from that first meeting, my dear husband wanted to know if we were staying LOL.  I'm happy to say, I knew I had found kindred souls that night.

Fast forward five years and I am so thankful for the group of ladies I've met through the class/club. Though only a couple are still active in the LSS class, our core group tries to get together once a month to visit, create and share.

Four years ago we started getting together for what has become an annual 4 day retreat. We schlep an unbelievable amount of crafty stuff up the mountain each year - 2 people to a vehicle to make room for our creative goodies! Usually I have a big project or two that I want to finish, but this year I decided to take advantage of having access to my friends' stamp collections and expand into the world of Copic markers and paper piecing.
à la modes Knit Happens

I love the à la mode stamps available through My Favorite Things and had fun with Knit Happens this past weekend.

I made 2 different cards, using my limited collection of Copic Sketch markers to color them in.

The second card is already on the way to a friend, hopefully arriving before her birthday (fingers crossed).

Until we meet again,


1 comment:

It makes my day when you take time to comment - thank you!