
Monday, January 23, 2012

let's try this out

It's a rainy day, so my plans to spray paint are put on hold & I'm on to plan B - start a blog!

I've toyed with the idea of a blog for a while. I'm hoping the added pressure of needing something to post will help keep me accountable for my time. You know, the time that slips through your fingers as you think of great things to create, but too often fall down in the follow through. I really want to look back and actually have something to show at the end of the day (week, month, year).

So what was I supposed to be spray painting today?

Last spring we checked out the Water Conservation Garden at Cuyamaca College and I was smitten by this little garden piece - I knew I was going to create one of my own.

For months I've checked local antique and thrift stores hoping to find a very inexpensive chair to use and managed to put together this little collection of pieces by the end of the year.

I, unfortunately, like to agonize over things like color choice. In the end, you have to pick from what is available in the finish you want, so lesson learned - don't over think!

The baker's rack and plant stand are on their way to being colonial red - just need another can of paint and a dry day.

The chair is now a pale yellow, but I'm not sure if I'm loving it with the terracotta pot . . . can you see why nothing gets finished?

The weather is supposed to cooperate and let me finish these before the end of the week, so stay tuned for an update!

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